Our school “BBS Wittmund” is located in Wittmund/Lower Saxony and has about 2000 students.
Wittmund has got 58,000 inhabitants, and is one of the smallest counties in Lower Saxony.
It is a rural county with outstanding natural beauties.
It is a part of East Frisia with its unique culture in respect of language and traditions.
With the Wadden Sea East Frisia has to offer one of the most beautiful spots in Europe.
Occupational Fields
–business / administration (Wirtschaft und Verwaltung)
-metal engineering (Metalltechnik)
-electrical engineering (Elektrotechnik)
-civil engineering (Bautechnik)
-wood enineering (Holztechnik)
-gastronomy (Gastronomie)
-domestic economy (Hauswirtschaft)
-agriculture (Landwirtschaft)
-care / medical aids (Pflege)
-social pedagogy (Sozialpädagigik)
-automotive engineering (Fahrzeugtechnik)
Business: School Types
–full-time vocational school
-vocational school
-higher secondary vocational school
-vocational college/professional school of business administration and tourism
Legal Details
Berufsbildende Schulen Wittmund Leepenser Weg 26-28 D-26409 Wittmund (Germany)
Tel : +49 4462 86 3100 Fax: +49 4462 86 3156 eMail: info@bbs.wittmund.de